Lexology July 23, 2024
Reed Smith LLP

In its recently released 2025 proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (“MPFS”), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) proposed two important modifications to the Medicare 60-day overpayment refund rule—a new “identified overpayment” standard and codification of a 6-month timeframe to investigate and quantify an overpayment.

A product of the Affordable Care Act, the 60-day rule requires a person to report and return Part A and B overpayments within 60 days of identification. In 2016, CMS clarified that an overpayment is “identified” when a person, “through the exercise of reasonable diligence,” should have identified and quantified an overpayment. In the preamble to the 2016 rule, CMS established that “reasonable diligence” is demonstrated through a timely, good faith investigation, which is,...

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