HealthIT Answers March 23, 2020
HHS/ONC/CMS Communications

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (@CMSGov) is supporting clinicians on the front lines by getting red tape out of the way so the healthcare delivery system can focus on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) response. CMS is implementing additional extreme and uncontrollable circumstances policy exceptions and extensions for upcoming quality measure reporting and data submission deadlines for the following CMS programs:

CMS is granting exceptions and extensions to assist healthcare providers and suppliers while they direct their resources toward caring for their patients and ensuring the health and safety of patients and staff. For those programs with data submission deadlines in April and May 2020, submission of those data will be optional based on the facility’s choice...

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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Health System / Hospital, Insurance, MACRA, Medicare, Payment Models, Physician, Primary care, Provider, Value Based
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