ICD10monitor June 19, 2024
Cate Brantley, JD

If I were to ask you what affects healthcare spending, I’d likely get about as many answers as we have readers. Some might say advancing technology, a workforce shortage, prescription drug prices, an aging population…the factors are endless.

But it’s the job of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to officially project future spending on health, and last week, the agency’s Office of the Actuary published their official report on national health expenditure projections through 2032. Let’s take a look at some of the factors CMS saw when they asked themselves this very question.

The highlight you may have seen from this report is this: national health spending is projected to outpace the rest of the country’s overall...

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Topics: CMS, Employer, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Insurance, Patient / Consumer, Pricing / Spending, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends
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