American Hospital Association November 1, 2024

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Nov. 1 released its calendar year 2025 final rule for the physician fee schedule. The rule will cut the conversion factor by 2.8% to $32.35 in CY 2025 compared to $33.29 in CY 2024. This reflects the expiration of the 2.93% statutory payment increase for CY 2024; a 0.00% conversion factor update under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act; and a .02% budget-neutrality adjustment.

In addition, CMS extended several regulatory telehealth waivers through 2025. These include waivers for reporting of enrolled practice addresses instead of home addresses when providers perform services from their homes; another for Federally Qualified Healthcare Centers and Rural Health Clinics to bill for telehealth services; and another...

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