Fierce Healthcare April 6, 2020
Robert King

CMS boosted payments to Medicare Advantage plans for beneficiaries with ESRD as plans prepare for an influx of new patients with the kidney condition next year.

The rates for Medicare Advantage and Part D plans for the 2021 coverage year are expected to increase by 4.07%, an increase from the nearly 3% proposed earlier this year.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released the final rates late Monday. The agency also boosted payments to MA plans for beneficiaries with end-stage renal disease, a major request from insurers.

CMS proposed an advanced payment increase of 2.8% for ESRD treatments. However, the agency decided to increase that rate to 4.04% for 2021.

The payment methodology, however, for ESRD patients will...

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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Provider
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