Becker's Healthcare April 4, 2018
Morgan Haefner

CMS is removing a star rating unit for Medicare Advantage plans, according to its 2019 Rate Announcement and Call Letter.

Here are five things to know about the decision.

1. Medicare ranks Medicare Advantage plans on a quality scale of one to five stars, and pays bonuses to plans with high ratings. Beginning in 2019, CMS will remove its Beneficiary Access and Performance Problems measure from its star rating calculations.

2. The BAPP measure considers CMS’ sanctions, civil money penalties and compliance data like notices of noncompliance, warning letters and corrective action plans.

3. When CMS solicited feedback on BAPP in 2018, commenters recommended revising the measure due to “differences in methodologies and goals, the subjective nature of audits, and...

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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Health System / Hospital, Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Payer, Physician, Primary care, Provider
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