EHR Intelligence May 17, 2017

CHIME selected four finalists to advance to the next stage of its $1-million innovation challenge to design a national patient identifier.

The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) yesterday announced the finalists of its Healthcare Innovation Trust National Patient ID Challenge, its own effort to address positive patient identification nationwide.

After the final innovation round came to a close, CHIME sifted through submitted proposals from innovators around the globe looking to resolve the industry’s lack of a national patient identifier.

“The dedication to addressing the lack of a national patient identification solution demonstrated by the submissions proves that there are many worthwhile ideas and the potential solution for error-proof patient identification becomes closer to a reality every day,”...

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Topics: CMS, EMR / EHR, Health IT, Health System / Hospital, HHS, HIE (Interoperability), HIM (Health Inf Mgmt), Market Research, Medicare, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Physician, Primary care, Provider
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