Visual Capitalist December 10, 2024
Pallavi Rao

In 2023, nearly 62 million lives were lost worldwide—an average of around 7,000 deaths every hour.

These numbers reflect the impacts of aging, illness, and conflict, and we further look into the countries with the most deaths every hour.

Data is sourced from the latest UN Population Prospects and figures are rounded.

Ranked: Countries with the Most Deaths (2023)

At the top of the list, China lost more than 1,300 people every hour in 2023. This is about 300 more deaths than second-ranked India (roughly 1,000 people ever hour).

RankCountryDeaths in 2023Deaths per Hour
1🇨🇳 China11,684,1771,334
2🇮🇳 India9,507,0081,085

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