4sight Health December 17, 2024
David Burda

Last month marked an important healthcare anniversary. It was the 25th anniversary of To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Published by the Institute of Medicine (today the National Academy of Medicine) on Nov. 29, 1999, the report sparked the modern patient safety movement after estimating that nearly 100,000 people die each year from medical mistakes.

I remember the report’s release like it was yesterday because it marked one of the biggest mistakes I made in my 41-year journalism career. I was news editor of Modern Healthcare at the time. We got an embargoed copy of the report on Friday, Nov. 26, 1999, with a release date of Monday, Nov. 29, 1999. Our weekly print edition came out...

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Topics: Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Safety
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