CHCS May 14, 2024
Anne Smithey and Shilpa Patel, Center for Health Care Strategies


  • Value-based payment models focus on improving overall care quality and cost by incentivizing higher value care over volume of care delivered.
  • Many Medicaid payers, including state agencies and managed care organizations, are exploring new ways to incorporate health equity considerations into value-based payment model design.
  • This brief outlines how payers can embed a health equity focus into key decision points in payment model design.

Value-based payment (VBP) models shift health care payment from rewarding volume of care provided (i.e., fee-for-service payment) to rewarding the delivery of higher value care.” href=”#easy-footnote-bottom-1-20831″>1 As the health care system has increased its focus on health equity, many Medicaid payers, including state agencies and managed care organizations, see promise...

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Topics: Equity/SDOH, Healthcare System, Insurance, Medicaid, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Payment Models, Provider, Value Based
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