Medical Xpress February 27, 2025
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Unlike artificial language models, which process long texts as a whole, the human brain creates a “summary” while reading, helping it understand what comes next.

In recent years, (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Bard have revolutionized AI-driven text processing, enabling machines to generate text, translate languages, and analyze sentiment. These models are inspired by the human brain, but key differences remain.

A new Technion-Israel Institute of Technology study, published in Nature Communications, explores these differences by examining how the spoken texts. The research, led by Prof. Roi Reichart and Dr. Refael Tikochinski from the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences. It was conducted as part of Dr. Tikochinski’s Ph.D., co-supervised by Prof. Reichart at Technion and...

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