Health IT Analytics October 3, 2017
Jennifer Bresnick

Blockchain is gaining steam among healthcare payers and providers seeking to enhance interoperability, patient care management, and data security.

Blockchain has come to healthcare in a big way during 2017, generating significant interest among providers and payers as an innovative way to bolster data exchange while keeping sensitive information secure.

The distributed ledger methodology has become so popular in recent months that more than three quarters of insurance companies – and 98 percent of plans with more than half a million members – are currently implementing or are actively planning to implement blockchain-based tools.

“The most popular connectivity strategy circulating among health care technologists, and even ONC, is blockchain technology,” said Doug Brown, Managing Partner of Black Book, which conducted...

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Topics: Blockchain, CMS, Cybersecurity, EMR / EHR, Health IT, Health System / Hospital, HIE (Interoperability), Medicaid, Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Payer, Physician, Population Health Mgmt, Primary care, Provider
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