Healthcare Finance News December 6, 2023
Jeff Lagasse

Many racial and ethnic groups feel they must be very careful about their appearance to be treated fairly during healthcare visits.

Racism and discrimination is unfortunately still a common occurrence in many settings, including in healthcare. A new KFF survey shows that many Hispanic, Black, Asian, and American Indian and Alaska Native adults in the U.S. believe they must modify both their mindset and the way they look to stave off potential mistreatment during healthcare visits.

KFF’s 2023 Survey on Racism, Discrimination and Health, the first in a series, also documents the association of racism and discrimination with worse health and well-being, including heightened tendencies toward feeling anxious, lonely or depressed.

The large, nationally representative survey finds that among those...

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Topics: Equity/SDOH, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends
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