MedCity News February 8, 2023
Ravi Komatireddy

No matter how much data the AI has on you, missing is the personal relationship. Emerging tech, wearables—all that is great. But at the end of the day, so much of it still depends on interpersonal relationship building and leveraging, adding an intelligence layer to the loop.

It’s no secret the U.S. health crisis can be blamed largely on poor diet and lack of exercise. Do we know we should change our bad habits? Of course.

Everyone’s life depends on exercise, sleep, and nutrition. The data shows a 26–35% reduction in mortality if you just focus on two of those. We don’t have a pill for that. Exercise protects you from heart attacks, from cognitive decline, puts you in a...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Digital Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Wearables, Wellness
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