VentureBeat May 21, 2022
Louis Rosenberg, Unanimous A.I.

Earlier this month, I participated as a panelist at the Digital Orthopedics Conference in San Francisco (DOCSF 2022) where a major theme was to imagine the medical profession in the year 2037. In preparation for the event, a small group of us reviewed the latest research on the clinical uses of virtual and augmented reality and critically assessed the current state of the field.

I have to admit, I was deeply impressed by how far augmented reality (AR) has progressed over the last eighteen months for use in medicine. So much so, that I don’t expect we’ll need to wait until 2037 for AR to have a major impact on the field. In fact, I predict that by the...

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Topics: Conferences / Podcast, Metaverse/VR, Physician, Provider, Technology, Trends
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