Becker's Healthcare October 14, 2024
Francesca Mathewes

Beginning in January 2025, the Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems will be mandatory for ASCs and HOPDs. The new survey from CMS will gauge patient satisfaction in Medicare-certified HOPDs and ASCs, focusing on communication, care quality and facility conditions, VMG Health reported Oct. 14.

Here are five things to know about the new survey:

1. Voluntary participation in the OAS CAHPS begins this year, with mandatory participation starting Jan. 1. Medicare-certified ASCs that fail to participate could see a cut in their reimbursement rates. Participants can use mail-only, telephone-only or mixed-mode administration of the survey with an annual target of 200 surveys to be completed.

2. An ASC is eligible to...

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