McKnight’s Senior Living March 26, 2024
Aaron Dorman

The robots will not be taking over: A backdoor ‘robot revolution’ will not be taking place in senior living facilities, nor is that their intention, robotics developers affirm.

Despite recent concerns about how robots co-exist with caregivers in the senior care and living space, companies are releasing new models, and new data, that shows how these tools add value to the community.

Intuition Robotics, the company behind AI-enabled companion ElliQ, recently released new data affirming that their robotic model actually inspires better socializing among people, as part of its goal to reduce loneliness among senior communities.

In addition, Intuition partnered with academics to create a CoBot-I-7 scale that they are hoping serves as an objective model for evaluating a robot’s...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Patient / Consumer, Post-Acute Care, Provider, Robotics/RPA, Technology
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