Fierce Biotech March 4, 2024
Helen Floersh

The Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS’) new biomedical research arm, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), is behind on finalizing a plan to avoid unnecessary research duplication with other government health agencies, despite already awarding funds.

ARPA-H was established by Congress in 2022 with the goal of translating public medical research conducted by agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) into treatments and therapies developed by private companies in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. In an FAQ, the agency describes the proposals funded by the NIH as “curiosity-driven,” while those funded by ARPA-H are “use-driven.”

It’s a fine line, and, according to a new report published Feb. 29 by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO),...

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Topics: Biotechnology, GAO, Govt Agencies, HHS, Pharma, Pharma / Biotech
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