HealthIT Answers April 11, 2024
Jitin Asnaani

Healthcare is the world’s fastest-growing source of data. This wealth of information originates from many diverse sources, such as hospitals, retail clinics, provider offices, wearable devices, etc., and holds immense potential to revolutionize healthcare. However, the sheer amount of information generated and the variability of sources increases the risk of duplicate, inaccurate, incomplete, or inconsistent identity data.

This can result in numerous hurdles, including delays in treatment (leading to potentially life-threatening patient safety issues), compromised care, increased legal risks, reimbursement delays, and operational inefficiencies. Furthermore, these challenges can erode patient and clinician trust, making it difficult to implement patient-centered initiatives and ultimately resulting in revenue loss.

Accurate identification is critical to optimizing experiences

With healthcare data, there is only one...

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