HealthLeaders Media September 8, 2023
Jay Asser

Amazon Clinic is giving patients the transparency they want—and it’s something they’re not getting enough of from traditional providers.


– As disruptors like Amazon expand the retail experience to patients with transparent pricing, providers must show a willingness to make healthcare pricing less of a mystery.

– Compliance with the price transparency law is an easy first step providers can take to build more trust with patients before innovating ways to share pricing information.

Retail giant Amazon is disrupting healthcare in several ways, but one of the areas Amazon Clinic is taking aim at is somewhere providers are especially vulnerable: price transparency.

As we know, healthcare costs can be incredibly cloudy, so Amazon Clinic’s commitment to price transparency...

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Topics: Digital Health, Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Pricing / Spending, Primary care, Provider, Retailer, Technology, Telehealth
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