Physicians Practice January 26, 2018
Gabriel Perna

The 2018 reporting year for the CMS Quality Payment Program (QPP) has arrived.

Some categories in the QPP’s Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) pathway are based on full-year reporting, which means physicians eligible for the program cannot hold off on compliance any longer. They must understand the intricacies of this year’s requirements, says American Medical Association President, David O. Barbe, MD. For instance, this year, the cost category of MIPS counts, unlike last year.

“[Cost] was 0 percent [of the total MIPS score] in 2017. It’s now 10 percent in 2018…that was taken from the quality category, which has gone from 60 percent of the MIPS score to 50 percent,” Barbe, who is also a family physician in Mountain Grove,...

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