MDLinx January 17, 2025
Stephanie Srakocic

Industry Insights

  • “There is a movement by physicians to push back. When you are not a physician, you simply don’t know what you don’t know.” – Sulagna Misra MD, BCMAS

Patient safety can be a concern as more non-physicians provide care. Taking patient safety and professional responsibility into account is key when working with non-physician providers.

A Texas family has sued an area wellness center after one of their loved ones died during a rhizotomy procedure.[1] Kimberlya Ray, 42, received anesthesia during her procedure and never regained consciousness. Scott Houghton, a CRNA, administered the fatal anesthesia. Raising the thought, how can PAs, CRNAs, and physicians work together more effectively?


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Topics: Healthcare System, Nursing, Patient / Consumer, Physician, Provider, Safety
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