VentureBeat October 1, 2023
Gary Grossman, Edelman

Recent research has demonstrated the potential productivity gains that can come from incorporating ChatGPT (and presumably other chatbots) into knowledge work.

Wharton Business School Professor Ethan Mollick participated in a study alongside several other social scientists and consultants at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) who used generative AI to determine whether the tool improved their output.

“For 18 different tasks selected to be realistic samples of the kinds of work done at [BCG], consultants using ChatGPT-4 outperformed those who did not, by a lot,” Mollick wrote in a blog post. “Consultants using AI finished 12.2% more tasks on average, completed tasks 25.1% more quickly, and produced 40% higher quality results than those without.”

To test the true impact of AI...

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