AHIMA January 11, 2022
Lesley Kadlec, MA, RHIA, CHDA

Health information (HI) professionals are acutely aware that the ability to accurately identify patients poses a significant risk to patient safety, and misidentification of patients has a negative effect on interoperability. To assist HI professionals in mitigating patient identity problems associated with inconsistencies in patient name collection, AHIMA’s new Naming Policy provides guidance on a number of key demographic components that should be addressed in organizational naming policies to help reduce the risk of patient identity errors and ensure the ability to seamlessly exchange health data across the healthcare ecosystem.

To assist in creating the AHIMA naming policy, a work group was established to provide subject matter expertise and develop best practices related to naming conventions for accurate patient identification....

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Topics: Health IT, HIM (Health Inf Mgmt), Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology
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