Healthcare DIVE June 7, 2024
Rebecca Pifer

Rebates this year could cross the billion-dollar mark for the fifth time in the past decade, according to an analysis from the KFF.

Dive Brief:

  • Health insurers are poised to pay back $1.1 billion in excess revenue from the Affordable Care Act markets to individuals and employers that purchase the coverage, according to new data from KFF. If the rebates come through as expected, it would make 2024 the fifth year in the past decade that rebates have crossed the billion-dollar mark.
  • Payers that peddle ACA plans agree to pay rebates if they don’t spend enough on patient care, as measured by a metric called the medical loss ratio, or MLR.
  • Nearly $12 billion in rebates have been issued...

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), Insurance, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Survey / Study, Trends
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