Health Affairs January 22, 2024
Caroline A. King, Tamara Beetham, Natashia Smith, Honora Englander, Dana Button, Patrick C. M. Brown, Scott E. Hadland, Sarah M. Bagley, Olivia Rae Wright, P. Todd Korthuis, and Ryan Cook


Drug overdose deaths among adolescents are increasing in the United States. Residential treatment facilities are one treatment option for adolescents with substance use disorders, yet little is known about their accessibility or cost. Using the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s treatment locator and search engine advertising data, we identified 160 residential addiction treatment facilities that treated adolescents with opioid use disorder as of December 2022. We called facilities while role-playing as the aunt or uncle of a sixteen-year-old child with a recent nonfatal overdose, to inquire about policies and costs....

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