Health Affairs April 25, 2024
Karissa Fenwick, Emily C. Dossett, Rebecca Gitlin, Kristina Cordasco, Alison B. Hamilton, and Nichole Goodsmith


Women living with serious mental illness (SMI) are at increased risk for adverse pregnancy and parenting outcomes. However, little is known about the experiences and preferences of women with SMI related to addressing pregnancy and parenting with their mental health providers. We conducted semistructured interviews with twenty-two reproductive-age cisgender women patients living with SMI. Participants characterized discussions about pregnancy and medication teratogenicity with their mental health providers as limited or unsatisfactory. Participants’ openness to discussing pregnancy varied by topic and its perceived relevance to their individual circumstances, and it hinged on participants’ trust in their providers. Participants characterized discussions about parenting with their mental health providers as helpful and identified additional opportunities for parenting support. Our findings...

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