Fierce Healthcare January 29, 2024
Noah Tong

In 2024, 50 accountable care organizations are new to the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) and 71 ACOs renewed participation, according to new numbers released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Monday.

The total number of participants now stands at 480 ACO programs, with 245 organizations continuing in ACO REACH and the Kidney Care Choices (KCC), two types of CMS Innovation Center models. More than 634,000 providers and organizations serve nearly 11 million people in traditional Medicare.

In 2022, 483 ACOs were participating in MSSP, showing a lack of overall growth in program participation.

The ACO REACH Model targets access to underserved populations, particularly in rural areas, while the KCC Model helps those with chronic kidney disease...

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