The Last Healthcare Newsletter You’ll Ever Read.

RamaOnHealthcare Daily Healthcare Insights

Expertly curated healthcare news & insights from the industry’s most popular trades

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With a passion to analyze, assimilate, and disseminate critical industry insights, RamaOnHealthcare humbly serves over 15K organic subscribers a “new morning insight” email, which is distilled from an assortment of over 1,000 nationally respected trades.

“RamaOnHealthcare is an important, experienced curator of what’s happening in US healthcare. Their newsletter is a ‘must-subscribe’ for anyone hoping to keep abreast of important activity in our industry.”
Sachin H. Jain, MD, MBA, FACP
President and CEO, SCAN Group & Health Plan
“RamaOnHealthcare’s analysis of the key issues shaping the healthcare industry is on my daily reading list.”
John Halamka, MD, MS
Dwight and Dian Diercks President, Mayo Clinic Platform
“I am a regular reader, and value the timeliness, synthesis of the RamaOnHealthcare daily newsletter. Rama’s transformation platform enables readers like me to dig deeper efficiently and comprehensively on topics that interest us.”
David W. Johnson
CEO of 4sight HEALTH

No longer one of the best kept secrets in the global healthcare arena, RamaOnHealthcare is out and about, making a daily difference.

At the core, RamaOnHealthcare is a virtual “curation engine,” pulling in unprecedented efficiency for our industry’s most recognized professionals.

Why RamaOnHealthcare’s popularity in terms of this highly impressive audience?

Always On Time, Always Scannable

Never Overkill, Just Enough Content To Power My Day

Always Flirting With The Provocative Topic of Transformation

Each morning, Monday through Saturday, a finely tuned email, simple in format, rich in “need to know” content, lands on the computer screen or mobile device of healthcare system CXOs, HIT firms, medical directors, venture capitalists, business development professionals, emergent HIT vendors, investment bankers, legacy technology suppliers, government officials, data scientists, entrepreneurs, etc., to rave reviews.

With the internet ablaze and growing at a staggering rate, RamaOnHealthcare’s new morning insights has become a signal amidst the noise and an important path to required knowledge!

Trusted By Over 15,000 Healthcare Leaders & Innovators

RamaOnHealthcare is one of the few sources I read every day, all the way down. It is an excellent source for the previous days’ healthcare coverage and the emails are often organized topically, meaning I will know if things are themed by, say, blockchain in healthcare or social determinants of health or whatever. I write every day on the latest developments in healthcare and need to filter through a high volume of news to get to what matters. RamaOnHealthcare helps me do that.

Brad Roberts
Strategic Planning Managing Director

RamaOnHealthcare is a vital part of my ability to stay inspired, informed, and curious about the rapid pace of change in our industry. Every resource is carefully curated to present the real information that matters, cutting out the time it would take me to weed through all the non-information that exists out there. It is a routine for me to start my day, and I treat the information as a colleague in my inner circle of thought leadership and inspiration.

Jeff Fuller
Executive Director, Analytical Solutions

As a busy executive in healthcare, it is necessary to stay current with all that is happening in an industry that is undergoing disruptive transformation. However, it is humanly impossible to read all the articles being written about all the relevant aspects of this complex industry. RamaOnHealthcare provides a valued service by screening and capturing the best headlines for me to focus on. Thank you, and keep it up Rama Juturu and team!

Lynda Chin, MD
Executive Director

RamaOnHealthcare has become an integral part of my day. The curated insights are timely and relevant and make it easy to stay informed on what’s happening in the health industry. Thanks, RamaOnHealthcare!

Carolyn Joyce
Marketing Manager

RamaOnHealthcare is known for his informative, timely and diligent curation to the healthcare industry. But I know him also as a person. He is dedicated to the transformation of the industry. We are fellow travelers in that journey.

Mohan Nair
SVP, Chief Innovation Officer

RamaOnHealthcare does an amazing job of aggregating the most relevant Healthcare content into one newsletter. In a saturated space with tons of buzzwords being over utilized, Rama helps cut through the noise with thought provoking insights.

David P Burke
Sales Director

RamaOnHealthcare’s analysis of the key issues shaping the healthcare industry is on my daily reading list.

John Halamka, MD, MS
President, Mayo Clinic Platform

RamaOnHealthcare’s news feed and blog are terrific. I am a regular reader and a big fan. A bright light in the industry.

John Glaser
Former SVP Population Health Management

RamaOnHealthcare has assembled a news feed that is regularly used by my leadership team and me. RamaOnHealthcare has great select of instincts.

Jonathan Bush

RamaOnHealthcare’s daily e-mails nicely capture what’s happening in healthcare today and where things are headed. Thank you for keeping us all informed and connected on ways to move healthcare to a better place. Keep it up.

Jim Fields
Partner & Global Head, Health Services, Health & Life Sciences

This email newsletter has quickly become my go-to source for tracking and reading articles on healthcare transformation. Thanks for putting it together. Very helpful!

Emily Brower
SVP Clinical Integration & Physician Services

As an advisor to many health systems across the Country, I have found RamaOnHealthcare’s insights helpful and on target. I start each day reviewing his post.

Steve Valentine
Vice President, Strategic Advisory Services, and Chairman of the Board Orthopeadic Institute for Children

The Last Healthcare Newsletter You'll Ever Read.