Health IT Security July 8, 2022
Jill McKeon

A JAMA Health Forum article discussed the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and how HIPAA fails to protect patient privacy in certain circumstances.

HIPAA clashes with patient privacy and health data protections relating to newly imposed abortion restrictions in several major ways, experts suggested in a recent JAMA Health Forum article. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which will give individual states the ability to restrict abortions, has further accentuated the limitations of HIPAA and other federal and state privacy laws.

“The most pressing concerns for physicians and health care facilities are how to minimize these laws’ adverse effects on patients and provide quality reproductive health care within legal limits,” the article stated....

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Topics: Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, HHS, HIPAA, Patient / Consumer, Privacy / Security, Provider
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