Aging In Place Technology Watch December 11, 2024
Laurie Orlov

to AARP – life expectancy impacts tech adoption. For the first time in their published tech adoption surveys, AARP’s 2025 report provides insights into the tech adoption and preferences of older adults aged 80+. With life expectancy at 65 reaching an additional 20 years, this change reveals business opportunities to serve that age group, including tech-enabled services (like high speed Internet access), health-related devices and services, and most particularly training, as the survey reveals.

Skepticism as well as adoption of the 80+ population. While the survey indicates nearly half of all surveyed believe that tech is an enabler of a healthy life, only 39% of the 80% population agreed, despite the fact that 82% of the 80+ population suffers...

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Topics: Digital Health, Patient / Consumer, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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