A Year of Movement on Pharmacy Interoperability
HealthIT.gov November 18, 2024
A year ago, based on the work led by the Pharmacy Interoperability and Emerging Therapeutics (PhIET) Task Force, the Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC) made recommendations to support interoperability between pharmacy constituents as well as the exchange of information necessary for medication management, patient safety, and consumer engagement.
As a pharmacist, it was a profound moment for me since this marked the first time the HITAC had focused solely on pharmacy interoperability. In fact, with 25 members spanning clinicians, information technology (IT) developers, government agencies, health care organizations, payers, and patient advocates, it was one of the largest task forces to date! Hats off to co-chairs Hans Buitendijk and Shelly Spiro for their excellent work leading such a large...