January 30, 2019
John Halamka

Earlier this week, I had the honor of keynoting at a major announcement from Apple, Aetna and CVS/Caremark. I’d summarize the message as “Digital Health has arrived and is now mainstream, fully embraced by the major stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.”

Here’s the upshot.

The history of healthcare and payment has been risk-pool-based and focused on paying for sickness. The future belongs to wellness, personalization, and a team-based approach to keeping you healthy in your home.

The announcement of Aetna Attain, a collaboration of Aetna, CVS/Caremark, and Apple, is based on a few key ideas:

  1. Personalization is essential. Asking everyone to walk 10,000 steps a day is unrealistic. Some should walk 5,000 and some should walk 20,000. Performance goals...

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Topics: Digital Health, Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, Insurance, Patient / Consumer, Physician, Primary care, Provider, Retail care, Technology, Trends
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