Health Populi April 4, 2024
Jane Sarasohn-Kahn

How many people do you know that don’t know their cholesterol or their BMI, their net worth or IQ, their credit score, astrological sign, or ancestry pie-chart?

Chances are fewer and fewer as most people have gained access to medical records and lab test results on patient portals, calorie burns on smartwatches, credit scores via monthly credit card payments online, and completing spit tests from that popularly gifted Ancestry DNA test kits received during the holiday season.

Meet “The Guy Who Didn’t Know His Cholesterol” conceived by Roz Chast, the great cartoonist regularly featured in The New Yorker, this one in the magazine’s March 11th, 2024 issue.

I’m gleefully sharing this cartoon with you as context for discussing Peloton’s latest...

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