4sight Health October 6, 2021
David Burda

I’ve previously confessed to being a half-empty kind of person. As a journalist, I’m trained to search out conflict and report it. That training was on full display in this post, “Patient Health Information: Look but Don’t Share,” in which I pointed out that more hospitals let their patients pay their bills online than let their patients schedule appointments online.

But I’m also trained to be balanced and fair in my reporting. In that spirit, this post is going to highlight some progress on patients accessing and controlling their own health information as they become more enlightened healthcare consumers. Fair is fair.

The first bits of positive news come out of a new 14-page data brief from HHS’ Office...

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Topics: ASTP/ONC, EMR / EHR, Govt Agencies, Health IT, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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