Commonwealth Fund January 13, 2021
Timothy S. Jost


The incoming Biden administration will focus on implementing policies to strengthen the ACA and make health coverage more affordable

The Biden administration can invoke the Congressional Review Act to rescind rules adopted in the final months of the Trump administration by a simple majority vote of Congress

President-elect Joe Biden set out an ambitious health care agenda during his campaign. Now, with Democrats holding a bare majority of the 117th Congress, it may be possible to find bipartisan agreement to move forward on parts of that agenda, such as expanding the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) premium subsidies. Or he can use budget reconciliation, which only requires a simple majority. But enacting more controversial programs, like a public health plan...

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), Congress / White House, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Insurance, Payer, Public Exchange, Regulations
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Trump’s mixed Medicaid messaging

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