AI in Healthcare May 16, 2023
By Dave Pearson

America’s two major political parties agree on very little of late, but they have a mutual interest in working together toward overseeing AI.

Healthcare presents an especially unitive rallying point. This is evident in a legal analysis posted May 14 in the National Law Review. Authored by attorneys at the Nashville-based Polsinelli law firm, the piece drills into three early-stage AI initiatives gaining momentum in Washington.

Taken together, these efforts trace the contours of a “dedicated AI regulatory framework” in the making:

1. The Executive Branch’s Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights. This document, posted by the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, has limited legal standing, the attorney-authors point out. However, it tips the White House’s...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Govt Agencies, Regulations, Technology
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