Medical Futurist January 24, 2019

What do hospital beds tell about patients? How does an „indoor GPS”-system work? How could sensors and connected devices enhance both patient experience and medical resource efficiency? Here, we tell you everything about IoT within the walls of health facilities.

Emergency drones, Fitbits, and chatty hospital-beds

In April 2045, Paul was walking down the street with her 4-year-old daughter, Lily, in downtown Boston. They were heading to the ice cream & deli at the corner of the square two minutes from their home. Suddenly, the man experienced chest pain, started to breathe heavily and collapsed. Lily looked shocked, couldn’t move and didn’t know what to do. Some passers-by of the busy street noticed some were too caught up in their...

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Topics: Digital Health, Health System / Hospital, IoT (Internet of Things), Physician, Provider, Technology, Wearables
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