McKinsey September 12, 2024
Alex Singla, Asin Tavakoli, Holger Harreis, Kayvaun Rowshankish, and Klemens Hjartar, with Gaspard Fouilland and Olivier Fournier

Deploying generative AI in the enterprise requires a data-centric road map. Leaders can use a well-defined operating model to successfully scale the technology.

After almost two years of infatuation with generative AI (gen AI), companies are moving past the honeymoon phase to embrace the work that matters most: creating value from this tantalizing technology. Expectations are high. A recent McKinsey Global Survey found that 65 percent of companies across sizes, geographies, and industries now use gen AI regularly, twice as many as last year. Investment in gen AI continues to rise amid the belief that early gains seen by high performers are a harbinger of cost decreases and profits to come. But most companies have not yet seen significant impact...

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