KFF March 12, 2025
Ivette Gomez, Brittni Frederiksen, Alina Salganicoff

Women’s health outcomes are shaped not only by access to care, health insurance, and affordability, but also by the social and economic factors that drive health, discrimination, and experiences within the health care system. When people feel discriminated against or are treated disrespectfully in healthcare settings, they are more likely to avoid medical care, which can lead to worse health outcomes, especially among more at-risk populations.

This data note presents findings from the 2024 KFF Women’s Health Survey on women’s experiences with disrespectful and unfair treatment as well as negative interactions with providers during health care visits in the past two years. The 2024 KFF Women’s Health Survey was fielded from May 15 to June 18, 2024, and was developed...

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