Becker's Healthcare July 17, 2023
Rosie Talaga

Eighty-one percent of Americans inaccurately assume that all health data protected on digital health platforms are also protected under HIPAA, according to a July 13 report from ClearData, an information services and technology platform.

ClearData commissioned the Harris Poll to survey more than 2,000 adults from May 24-26 to reveal how informed Americans are when it comes to the protection of their health data.

Here are some things to know, according to the report:

  • Eighty-one percent of Americans assume that digital health apps protect all collected health data under HIPAA. Personal data is only protected under HIPAA within the boundaries of “covered health entities” such as hospitals or physician’s offices. Digital health apps can buy and sell collected data...

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Topics: Apps, Digital Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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