Becker's Healthcare May 11, 2023
By Rylee Wilson

HHS’ Office of Inspector General has found several Medicare Advantage plans received overpayments in recent months.

Here are eight findings from the government watchdog Becker’s has reported since January.

  1. Medicare improperly paid for over half a billion dollars in psychotherapy services, including $348 million in improper telehealth claims, during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, an audit published May 2 found.
  2. Medicare could have saved $128 million in duplicate claims payments with a better data-sharing agreement with the Veterans Health Administration, an audit published in April found.
  3. HumanaChoice received an estimated $27.3 million in overpayments in 2015 and 2016, according to an audit published in April. Humana disagreed with OIG’s findings and recommendations, according to the...

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