Managed Healthcare Executive October 1, 2019
Don Hall, MPH

It’s that time of the year when organizations begin developing their budgets for the coming year by projecting membership growth, medical loss ratio, administrative expenses as well as the investment in new initiatives. Most of these costs can and will be developed based on past trends that are adjusted incrementally for competitor, product, and market changes.

Beyond this, executives in the most successful organizations will also take a step back to think about what could go wrong and what could prevent their organization from reaching its goals. Aside from the inherent risk that all organizations have of unexpected staffing changes or poor sales performance, what are some of the biggest potential disruptors looming in 2020?

Personalized therapies

As personalized approaches...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Blockchain, Equity/SDOH, Precision Medicine, Provider, Retail care, Retailer, Technology, Trends
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