Forbes April 29, 2024
Jesse Pines

Sleep is the bedrock of mental health, physical health, and performance according to Andrew Huberman PhD, a well-known podcaster and Stanford neuroscientist. Here are 10 drug-free ways to improve sleep suggested by Huberman.

1. View Direct Sunlight Soon After Waking.

Natural light stops production of melatonin—the sleep hormone—and promotes cortisol—helping you wake up. This resets your internal clock (i.e. circadian rhythm) signaling the day’s start and releases with serotonin which boosts mood and increases calmness. This can help reduce symptoms of seasonal affective disorder—the depressive symptoms some suffer in the winter. Huberman recommends 10 minutes on a sunny morning up to 30 minutes on a cloudy day.

2. Maintain Consistent Sleep And Wake Times.

Consistency stabilizes the circadian rhythm. This...

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