McKnight’s Senior Living June 23, 2023
Aaron Dorman

As the nation’s thousands of military veterans come to require more healthcare services, companies that cater to them are looking more often at more complex technology solutions.

One example: AI-giant Iveda, in partnership with Movement Interactive, announced Thursday that it had received an eight-year Veterans Affairs contract worth just over $1 billion to use IvedaCarea and IvedaAI for telehealth and fall-detection technology.

Iveda and Movement Interactive’s technology provides healthcare personnel with by-the-second monitoring technology. Issues such as fall detection and medication usage can be closely scrutinized in real time, according to a statement from Iveda on the agreement.

“It’s fantastic to see the U.S. government investing in updated technology infrastructure,” Iveda CEO David Ly said in the statement.

Iveda’s AI...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Digital Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Telehealth, VA / DoD
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