Forbes January 2, 2025
David Hambling

The Pentagon has announced a new contract to acquire Precision Strike Indoor & Outdoor (PSIO) small Unmanned Aerial Systems: kamikaze drone able to seek out and attack targets inside buildings. The contract with drone makers XTEND, previously noted for their advanced work on drones working in teams inside buildings in Gaza, brings a leap ahead in precision strike capabilities.

The contract is with the Pentagon’s Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate, an obscure outfit which develops capabilities for the military (“and Interagency customers”) to carry out operations typically involving clandestine, asymmetric strikes against the highest value targets. In the past this might have meant a Reaper drone taking out an insurgent leader on a balcony with a six-bladed Hellfire R9X ‘Ninja’...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Drones, Mergers & Acquisitions / JV, Provider, Technology, Trends, VA / DoD
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