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KPMG’s 10 technologies driving transformation — and 3 to watch

CIO DIVE May 10, 2019
Samantha Ann Schwartz

IoT, RPA and blockchain stand out because of major leaps in ranking and continued dominance.

It’s difficult to know what technologies are worth pursuing, but companies too cautious about adopting a new innovation could lose out to competition.

Certain technologies are outperforming the rest in terms of digital transformation. A technology usually hits a plateau after a successful market penetration, with a lifecycle punctuated by highs and lows along the way.

For a technology to have a chance at successful adoption, companies have to culturally evolve and adapt their available skills. Disruptive technologies influence every aspect of business practices and can be daunting to adopt. But the rewards are often worth the risk when implemented strategically.


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Topics: Blockchain, IoT (Internet of Things), Robotics/RPA, Technology, Trends
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