November 25, 2024
Chelsea Richwine, Samantha Meklir and Vaishali Patel

As part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy’s (ASTP) vision of “better health enabled by data,” we are committed to advancing health equity and person-centered ways to promote the interoperable exchange of data on patients’ health-related social needs (HRSN) and broader social determinants and dynamic social drivers of health (SDOH). In support of this effort, ASTP conducted several studies in the past year to better understand whether routine screening combined with capturing data in a structured format could facilitate immediate and downstream use of data collected through such screening as well as how the availability of dedicated resources or strategic partnerships with community organizations impacts providers’ ability to address patients’ HRSN.

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Topics: Equity/SDOH, Health IT, Healthcare System, HIE (Interoperability), Provider, Technology
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